Thursday, January 30, 2014

3 Fs Everyone Should Have in Their Life

Now, you may be thinking....I never wanted an F in school!  These Fs  are different.




In that order.

First, let's talk about Faith.  I know not everyone is religious, but everyone has to have some sort of faith about something! My faith is centered around Christ. I am LDS and proud of it!  I love the message of happiness and love that is found in my church--though I know not everyone lives by it.

Another thing that I have faith in is....myself!  This was something that was difficult to find...and even more difficult to keep going!!!  I need to be constantly on my own case about feeling bad about what I am doing or how much my house needs to be cleaned or how little I do with my life or many other things like how I often write in seemingly run-on sentences because it is how my brain works!  I need to constantly tell myself that I am beautiful...that I am worth people's praise and time.  This is something that EVERY SINGLE PERSON should always do!  HECK!  Even Smaug does it!!
Though you don't need to do the cheesy tell yourself you are beautiful in the mirror everyday thing...because I find that hard to do in the morning when I wake up...but you should at least think "I look cute today" before leaving the house or even just a "I like my ______ today" whether it be hair, outfit, earrings, etc.

Have faith!  Even if you don't believe in a higher power, god, or whatever it is people have faith in, you MUST have faith in yourself!

Second, let's talk about family.   Family is the most important unit on the earth!  I know that I would not be the type of person I am today without my family that has been there to support me.  I am so grateful to them and how much they have to deal with...aka my nerdiness (Not many in my family are true nerds).  Though I do believe that everyone is a nerd in their own is still tough to live with a 16-something year old that is in denial about how much she is obsessed with nerdy stuff...watching StarGate SG1 in her room so her family wouldn't have to suffer through it--Thank heavens I married the man I did!!!

Which brings me to my loving husband! I know, I know, amazing transition! If you are married...treasure your spouse!  They are the person you will spend the rest of forever with!  The good things they do, the silly things they do, the annoying things...all of them make up the person you promised to cherish and cleave to.  I'll admit...there are quite a few things Brandon does that I do NOT want my kids to do...but there are far more things he does that I want my kids to copy!

You were born into a specific family...That family is specially made just so YOU can have the best life you could even have!  Even if your family is broken...or you have tough family circumstances...You are the you you are today because of them!  No one else could have been my mom as good as Jode!  No sisters could be as good to my as mine!  My brothers, though annoying as one million pokes to the stomach, know just what to say to make me laugh.  I know any member of my family, extended or immediate, was put into my life for a purpose.  I love them all dearly.

Lastly, Friends!!  Now, I know many of my friends can be found within my family.  However, these are those friends that are pretty much family anyway!  Friends are the people you go to who have those attributes that you are drawn to...that not many people in your family have.  You spend time with them when you can.  When you can' know you are still buddies and you call.  Two of my best friends live in a different state from me.  I call them every once and a while.  Whenever I see is like we never spent a day apart!

Friends are there when Family can't be...and Family is there all the time...and Faith is there when you think nothing/no one else is with you.

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