Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why I'm a Hermit

If any of you out there that are reading this--I highly doubt many people would--are Whovians, then you will have no question as to where I got my blog title from.  For those who are ignorant of the ways of Who... Here is the quote that became my muse:

The Doctor: And Utopia is...?
Professor Yana: Oh, every human knows of Utopia. Where have you been?
The Doctor: Bit of a Hermit.
Professor Yana: A-a hermit
[sounds doubtful]
Professor Yana: with, uh, friends?
The Doctor: Hermits United. We meet up every 10 years, swap stories about caves. It's good fun. For a Hermit.

Now, I assume those of you who read this post will know me, and know how anti-social my husband and I are...unless you are family.  This anti-social tendency is a type of self-imposed hermitism (yes, I think I just invented a new way to describe a hermit.  I am sure I will invent many words and definitions throughout this entire blog.). 

The biggest reason for this is that we are both introverts with White personalities (If you wish to know more, look here.  White personalities are the most peaceful and indecisive people ever!  Just ask our family and they will say never to ask us to decide anything...charts happen--which is another post altogether. The point of all this seemingly meaningless blather is that in order to be non-hermits we would have to decide to do something, which is terrifying!  

The second, more important of the reasons, is that Brandon and I love just being together...even now we are just sitting in the same room listening to songs from Doctor Who on Spotify not even speaking, perfectly content to just be.  Which is one reason why I love my husband (Post about that coming soon...I am sure).  We are perfectly content just staying at home with one another, reveling in our inside jokes, watching nerdy movies or TV shows on Netflix, or just doing what we are doing now...essentially nothing. 

So...there you have it!  I am a nerdy ADHD Hermit who loves everything to do with her husband; Doctor Who; writing and reading; knitting and crocheting; and tons of other randomly wonderful things. 

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