Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Put a Wall up with your Spouse/Significant Other

I have a proposition for you--whether you have been married for 50 years or just started dating or anywhere in between! Build a wall. 

This is something Brandon and I have done since we were dating.  

We built a wall with each other.

We were both always saying such funny and ridiculous things that we had to make a place to put them.  We started just using a google doc so we can make sure that both of us could add entries. We called it a wall because of facebook.  It was just the easiest thing to say/text.  "Put that on our wall" became a saying we used often. 

 I am currently wondering how it would work if I made a magnetic board for our "wall" and put 3x5 papers on it.  We would keep the funny things we say throughout the year up for people to enjoy and laugh at.  Then at the end of every year around new years, we would take those down, read them, and put them in a memory box to reminisce over whenever we felt like it.  

Here are some of the more hilarious examples--at least the ones that you don't need an explanation for--most are from Brandon: 

"If they can't survive me, how are they supposed to survive in the world" -B

"Most girls know how to kiss, but very few are so wise in the ways of homestarrunner." B

"I can even handle you getting fat, short, and bald, but if your eyes change color we're done." B

And the last one:

Brandon -If you were my GPS Kelsey, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago.
Kelsey -I’d be ok with that.
(after giving bad directions)

This wall has caused us to remember the funny things we say to one another. It also gives us a chance to keep falling in love again and again because we read what we were like when we were dating--which is fantastically preposterous. We keep making inside jokes that no one else will get.


  1. So fun! Suggestion - Don't put the cards in a memory box, put them in a binder with each sheet protector (or section) being a year. Kinda like an easy scrapbook. That way the years are organized (unless you wanna date them) so they stay organized and don't get mixed up from when they happened. Yay joint journaling! haha

    1. GREAT Idea! I like the way you think! This is something that is fun, because you can add funny things your kids say/do to it as well. So it will eventually get the whole family involved.
