Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's Tuesday! A Perfect Day for Words.

Making up "words" in the English language is something that both Brandon and I love to do.  We verb different words all the time!  Or just add different suffixes to things to make them sound cooler.

Being extremely witty with the English language is something that made me fall in love with Brandon.  He is the main inspiration for these posts(I swear he makes up a word everyday!).  They may not happen every tuesday....but I want them to.

The first word that I want to bring out to the world is one that my husband said late one night and I just had to write it down!

Ugorgify: n. the dying sounds that come from a thing.

ex. You can hear the ugorgifying scream of the paper as it is torn asunder.


  1. 52 weeks in a year, 60 years of marriage, 3120 new words to come up with! is that right? Math isn't my strong subject. Hope u keep a log of these words and publish the new dictionary according to Brandon. I wont live ling enuf to read it, but he could add to the English language! Love u both Aunt LuKaye

  2. My password to post was bleffed orlandmi... 2 new words to give meaning to! Lol
