Monday, January 27, 2014

Happiness Depends on YOU

In my 27 years of life, it may seem that I do not know much about happiness.  I have been told by many that I am the happiest person they know...or at least the most optimistic. This may be because of a plethora of reasons.

I laugh easily.  I love to laugh.  It is something that Brandon makes me do often--even when it is the most inconvenient time, like after a surgery where they went through my bellybutton to remove a cyst in my ovary.  Laughter was NOT the best medicine then!  I laugh when I read books, watch movies, talk with friends...or at myself and my own jokes that I say in my head!  I think I am pretty funny.  But, I do not think laughing is why I am so happy. . . or why anyone is happy.

I am naturally optimistic.  I ALWAYS find at least one good thing about anyone and everyone.  It is a great attribute to have as a teacher and a person in general.  However, it bothers Brandon to no end because he is so inherently realistic that he has to see every option...and plans for the worst case scenario.  I always think it will work out and don't give any other thought to the matter. We balance each other out nicely that way.

Speaking of Brandon brings me to another reason I could be so happy. My marriage is such a blessing.  I am so happy because of it.  I love my husband, he loves me.  We are best friends.  Nothing is better than that, so far.  However, I have been married before and not happy.  Marriage is not what makes me happy.

Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) is what seems to make a lot of people happy.  I do not deny that my faith in Christ and the knowledge that I am a child of God makes me a very happy person.  I know who I am and I know I was put on this earth for a divine purpose.  I am happy because of it.

However, the thing that brings me the most happiness is none of the above listed things.  I am happy because I CHOOSE to be.  I went through a divorce when I was 21.  Even during the process I was happy.

 I loathe the feeling that unhappiness brings.  It reminds me of gross inversion weather we get in Utah Valley often.  I can function in the gross disgusting air...but it is not pleasant at all. Worse yet, I can't see my wonderful view I get from my house of Utah Lake.

Me being happy is not up to my marriage, faith, optimism, laughter, or anything else.  Me being happy is a choice-- A choice I make everyday because I know what it is like to feel unhappy and worthless.

The best thing that you can do to make yourself happy if you don't feel it at the moment, is to get something by you that makes you smile.  If it's a bouquet of Daisies GREAT!  Those are the best flowers ever!  If it is watching a chick flick--I recommend Price and Prejudice--awesomeness!  Putting on some great uplifting music helps as well.

 Whatever floats your boat!

Make yourself remember what it is that brings happiness in your life...and keep it there!  Notice all the little things in a smog free view of a lake....or a walk through the neighborhood...or creating something...the possibilities are endless and all up to YOU!


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this. And you. You are adorable and upbeat. It's refreshing and wonderful and I agree with you 100%!
