Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Where Has Respect Gone?

This post came about from a discussion with my sister-in-law. We are both nerds. We love Doctor Who, Avengers, Sherlock, and many other things. I mention these three for a specific purpose. Each of these shows/movies have an actor in them who is beyond amazing.
 In Doctor Who,(there are many great actors here...but for the sake of this post) there is David Tennant.
 In Avengers, Tom Hiddelston.
 In Sherlock, Benedict Cumberbatch.

**Step on soap box**

 I mention these three amazing actors for one purpose...Pinterest and Tumbler are full of degrading posts about these men. For example:

These pictures are really what started our conversation.

These men are quoted multiple times talking about how amazing women are, and how they should be respected. Example:
For those of you who can't read the text...I've taken the liberty of typing it up again:
"This generation has lost the true meaning of romance.  There are so many songs that disrespect women.  You cant treat the woman you love as a piece of meat.  You should treat your love like a princess.  Give her love songs, something with real meaning.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, but to respect the woman you love should be a priority."
 What do others do to these great men's pictures? They objectify them.

 Yes, these men are amazing, wonderful actors. They are brilliant. I love their work.

 Do I want to be their girlfriend? NO.

I want to see every movie/TV show they are in because I know it will rock my socks off!

Now, this does not just apply to movie stars. GIRLS...respect men! I don't know what happened during the whole feminism era to make women objectify men. Seriously...you are trying to do the same thing that was done to you. This is not right. All the commercials with women slapping the back of their husband's head because he is stupid, or some other degrading thing, need to stop.

Yes, Women should have rights. Women should be respected. Women should be seen as priceless in any relationship.

 NEWSFLASH....Men need that too!

**Step off soap box**

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