Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Frozen Conundrum

Recently there has been quite a lot of chatter about Frozen's "Hidden Messages." Many a Disney movie has had "hidden messages" as well.  The one that gets me from a post I read was that 'Let It Go' causes children to want to rebel against their parents or authority figures.

NEWSFLASH!!!  Most Disney Characters do that!  Don't believe me??

Aladdin: Steals food
Jasmine: Loves a thief and sneaks out of house.
Ariel: Runs away from home, changing the way she looks for a man.
Aurora/Briar Rose: Leaves the house, and lies to her guardians.
Mulan: Goes against her culture and parent's wishes to do what she wants.
Rapunzel: Leaves home with a stranger, and lies to her mother.
Flynn Rider/Eugene: Steals the crown of the Lost Princess. Steals lots of other things too.
Dash: Disobeys school rules.

And this isn't even all of them...just the ones that came to the top of my head without thinking too hard.

Now, it may come as a shock to most parents...but some day, one dark and lonely day, your child will disobey you.  No person on this world is perfect. The only one was Jesus Christ, and we all strive to be like him. Even us, as adults, disobey our Heavenly Father on a daily least on something small.  Being human is not a bad thing to be.

Nearly all of these characters have learned from what they did.

Another thing people talk about is that Frozen has a gay agenda, and one reason for it is because Elsa told Anna she could not marry a man she just met because as a gay woman in the closet, she does not want other people to marry.

I feel that Elsa saying this was refreshing, especially in an LDS community where people get engaged after a month of dating...and some get divorced a year after that...Many people feel pressured to get married...heck! Most Disney Princesses are in that same "culture" being married by the time they are 19, at least.

Not marrying the first man you come in contact with, is very refreshing to me.

To wrap up, Frozen was an amazing movie, that had to do with the love of family, no matter what is going on with you.  Accepting your family for who they really are is such a vital part of anyone's life.  And 'Let it Go' is a song that shows kids that no matter what you should never be afraid of who you are.  Never be afraid of what others will think of you once they meet the real you.  If they don't like is their loss...not yours! And lastly, never be afraid of the past...because as Raffiki said, "The past can hurt, but you can either run from it...or, learn from it!"  It took Elsa years to learn from her past mistake, but in the end, she figured it out!

And that's my two cents on the matter. Take it or leave it.

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