Sunday, February 23, 2014

Imagination Education

I LOVED growing up in the time I did.  It was still the time where kids could have night games...and go outside and be dirty.  There seemed to be less worries...or I don't know what of parents.  Kids were aloud to get dirty and make long as they came back by a specific time.  This, I believe is lost today.  Kids are raised with the worried parent who won't let their kid run and make their own mistakes.  I am not talking about all parents, but, as a nanny, I have seen quite a few types of parents.  It seems that a lot of parents are judgmental of other parents.--This is another story of another time.

The reason for this post is to talk about something that seems to be lacking, at least a little, in quite a few kids lately.  What is that thing?  Imagination.  I feel this is because of schooling.  I am a teacher, and I know the demands on an educator (from parents, students, and the state/federal expectations).   The biggest thing that is playing a part now-a-days is testing!  Kids don't have room for imagination in their rigorous education.  Teachers do their best to foster imagination and creativity at a young age...however, even in Middle School I feel that kids are putting aside their imagination to further their education.

I'll admit...I have done this.  I put aside writing my novels, my reading for enjoyment, my creating for creating's sake, all for the sake of getting my bachelor's degree.  Once I got it, I realized something was missing.  Graduating wasn't as big for me as I thought it would be.  I felt a bit muffled.  It took me a lot of time and individual soul searching to figure out why I was so "meh."

I missed my imagination.  I missed my reading.  I missed putting a world that existed in my brain onto paper...or at least the screen of my computer!

So...a message to everyone...don't loose your imagination.  Parents...cultivate your child's imagination as often as you can.  I don't care if what your child dreams up is scientifically impossible...let them dream! your best to get your kids thinking and creating their own thoughts and ideas.

Imagination is what makes the world progress and become amazing.  Without imagination, we will not have the internet, computer, phones, electricity...and loads of other stuff!!!

Imagine an Education built on facts AND imagination!  

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