Thursday, March 27, 2014

New Family Motto

This is now my family motto.  

Yes....that is Circular Gallifreyan in the background for the word Never. 

No...I don't know how to write it...there is a generator online...Link  

This quote comes from the 50th anniversary episode of Doctor Who.  It may have been said before then...but that episode is where I got these from.  The montra, "Never cruel or cowardly. Never give up. Never give in." is the promise The Doctor gave himself when he chose his name. 

Once I heard this, I HAD to make something out of it...those words are wonderful! It is the Golden Rule summed up in such a great way.  It also teaches about hard work and persistence.  

If there were more people who lived by this simple saying, the world would be a better place. 

That is all. 

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