Thursday, January 30, 2014

3 Fs Everyone Should Have in Their Life

Now, you may be thinking....I never wanted an F in school!  These Fs  are different.




In that order.

First, let's talk about Faith.  I know not everyone is religious, but everyone has to have some sort of faith about something! My faith is centered around Christ. I am LDS and proud of it!  I love the message of happiness and love that is found in my church--though I know not everyone lives by it.

Another thing that I have faith in is....myself!  This was something that was difficult to find...and even more difficult to keep going!!!  I need to be constantly on my own case about feeling bad about what I am doing or how much my house needs to be cleaned or how little I do with my life or many other things like how I often write in seemingly run-on sentences because it is how my brain works!  I need to constantly tell myself that I am beautiful...that I am worth people's praise and time.  This is something that EVERY SINGLE PERSON should always do!  HECK!  Even Smaug does it!!
Though you don't need to do the cheesy tell yourself you are beautiful in the mirror everyday thing...because I find that hard to do in the morning when I wake up...but you should at least think "I look cute today" before leaving the house or even just a "I like my ______ today" whether it be hair, outfit, earrings, etc.

Have faith!  Even if you don't believe in a higher power, god, or whatever it is people have faith in, you MUST have faith in yourself!

Second, let's talk about family.   Family is the most important unit on the earth!  I know that I would not be the type of person I am today without my family that has been there to support me.  I am so grateful to them and how much they have to deal with...aka my nerdiness (Not many in my family are true nerds).  Though I do believe that everyone is a nerd in their own is still tough to live with a 16-something year old that is in denial about how much she is obsessed with nerdy stuff...watching StarGate SG1 in her room so her family wouldn't have to suffer through it--Thank heavens I married the man I did!!!

Which brings me to my loving husband! I know, I know, amazing transition! If you are married...treasure your spouse!  They are the person you will spend the rest of forever with!  The good things they do, the silly things they do, the annoying things...all of them make up the person you promised to cherish and cleave to.  I'll admit...there are quite a few things Brandon does that I do NOT want my kids to do...but there are far more things he does that I want my kids to copy!

You were born into a specific family...That family is specially made just so YOU can have the best life you could even have!  Even if your family is broken...or you have tough family circumstances...You are the you you are today because of them!  No one else could have been my mom as good as Jode!  No sisters could be as good to my as mine!  My brothers, though annoying as one million pokes to the stomach, know just what to say to make me laugh.  I know any member of my family, extended or immediate, was put into my life for a purpose.  I love them all dearly.

Lastly, Friends!!  Now, I know many of my friends can be found within my family.  However, these are those friends that are pretty much family anyway!  Friends are the people you go to who have those attributes that you are drawn to...that not many people in your family have.  You spend time with them when you can.  When you can' know you are still buddies and you call.  Two of my best friends live in a different state from me.  I call them every once and a while.  Whenever I see is like we never spent a day apart!

Friends are there when Family can't be...and Family is there all the time...and Faith is there when you think nothing/no one else is with you.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Put a Wall up with your Spouse/Significant Other

I have a proposition for you--whether you have been married for 50 years or just started dating or anywhere in between! Build a wall. 

This is something Brandon and I have done since we were dating.  

We built a wall with each other.

We were both always saying such funny and ridiculous things that we had to make a place to put them.  We started just using a google doc so we can make sure that both of us could add entries. We called it a wall because of facebook.  It was just the easiest thing to say/text.  "Put that on our wall" became a saying we used often. 

 I am currently wondering how it would work if I made a magnetic board for our "wall" and put 3x5 papers on it.  We would keep the funny things we say throughout the year up for people to enjoy and laugh at.  Then at the end of every year around new years, we would take those down, read them, and put them in a memory box to reminisce over whenever we felt like it.  

Here are some of the more hilarious examples--at least the ones that you don't need an explanation for--most are from Brandon: 

"If they can't survive me, how are they supposed to survive in the world" -B

"Most girls know how to kiss, but very few are so wise in the ways of homestarrunner." B

"I can even handle you getting fat, short, and bald, but if your eyes change color we're done." B

And the last one:

Brandon -If you were my GPS Kelsey, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago.
Kelsey -I’d be ok with that.
(after giving bad directions)

This wall has caused us to remember the funny things we say to one another. It also gives us a chance to keep falling in love again and again because we read what we were like when we were dating--which is fantastically preposterous. We keep making inside jokes that no one else will get.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

It's Tuesday! A Perfect Day for Words.

Making up "words" in the English language is something that both Brandon and I love to do.  We verb different words all the time!  Or just add different suffixes to things to make them sound cooler.

Being extremely witty with the English language is something that made me fall in love with Brandon.  He is the main inspiration for these posts(I swear he makes up a word everyday!).  They may not happen every tuesday....but I want them to.

The first word that I want to bring out to the world is one that my husband said late one night and I just had to write it down!

Ugorgify: n. the dying sounds that come from a thing.

ex. You can hear the ugorgifying scream of the paper as it is torn asunder.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Pearl of Great Price


This is something I wrote for a creative writing class, then updated for a multi-cultural class.  It is the story of me.  I have shared it with quite a few people who are going through trials and it seems to help them.  So...Here is that paper/story or whatever.  Feel free to share it with whomever you want.

All my life I have been told that I am strong.  I am a fighter.  I am a miracle child that is here for some special purpose because of the way I was brought into this world.  The year was 1986, my mother had just finished the first Christmas in the home my father built with his loving hands.  Those same hands held a video camera capturing the momentous occasion on film.  Seeing my three older siblings playing with their toys and my oldest brother, victim of a stroke at birth, run and jump around and over my two sisters (His is another story for another time).  The camera pans out to show my mother, pregnant with a daughter that was due in the end of March of the following year.  Little did she know, my mother was due to have yet another daughter in the newborn ICU for months. 
After my mother spent twenty-two days in the hospital, I was born at twenty-six weeks on January 23rd; a whopping one pound ten ounces; and an inch or two longer than a dollar bill.  Each day my parents would hear that I lived through another night, but would most likely die during the next.  Friends and family spent who knows how many hours on their knees in prayer for my little life.  I was in the hospital till the month of April.  On oxygen for one and a half years, I was walking and crawling around with a tube in my nose, oblivious to the inconvenience of limited range. I walked and laughed and smiled as often as I could.  
            The miraculous events of my birth aside, growing up I did not feel strong.  I could run and jump, but others could run and jump better than I.  I could play volleyball in high school, but could not serve overhand until my junior year, and had freshman starting over me my senior year.  Placed as a captain for my ability to lead and teach rather than to bump, block, and spike.  I was always an expendable person when it came to my physical strength.       
            The matter of my inner, or spiritual, strength was another matter.  I knew the girl my parents saw, and the girl I saw.  They were two different people.  Where my parents saw a drop dead gorgeous bombshell of a girl, I saw a lanky awkward average girl.  Where my parents saw a girl any man would be happy to marry, I saw a girl that was nothing that wasn’t found in other girls.  I was someone to be cherished and loved, yes, but that was nothing different than any other girl deserved. I had nothing unique and special to offer.  I was just a silly girl that liked to read and listen to—according to my younger brother—“weird music”. 
     There is one thing that I felt I was in agreement with my parents about myself. I have always known that I am a kind person, someone who does not get mad…ever…someone who finds the good in everyone and everything.  Other than those few facts, I did not feel like much of anything special.  I did not feel I had anything special to offer. 
Suffice it to say that I had a very low self-esteem.  A self-esteem that would shoot to the extreme low through the event that is supposed to bring happiness, the event called marriage.  Jon was the man that I loved.  However, the man I loved was not the man I ended up married to.  The man I loved spent hours with me enfolded in his arms.  The man I loved kissed me whenever he first saw, or left me.  The man I loved, most importantly, loved me back.  The man I married spent hours nearly every night with his “buddy”.  The man I married only kissed me when he wanted sex.  The man I married was annoyed by everything I did. 
“I am moving to Oregon with or without you.” He said.
I went.  I went, wanting to save my marriage.  I went hoping being around his family would return him to the man I loved.  I went with false hopes.  Weekends spent husbandless, surrounded by strangers who were supposed to be family.  A mother who took me aside and told me I was a bad wife.  A mother who told me my marriage was failing and what I needed to do to fix it.  A husband who never said hello before I did; a husband that would go out drinking on those weekends I spent husbandless.  A husband who decided to join the United States Army.
I returned home to the house my father’s loving hands built, to that home of mine forever and always.  I returned with the hope of patching up a marriage after the dreaded two and a half month boot camp—excuse me, basic training.  Christmas Day, the last day I saw my husband, the man I loved, or the man I married.  My parents, seeing me that day, worried at my sickly state.  Two weeks spent waiting, waiting for the agonizing slowness of the letter he had to write so I knew how to write him back.  Hope resided in that letter.  He missed me!  He was the man I loved again! With more letters came more hope.  He planned our lives together.   He had everything figured out.  I was not supposed to come to graduation to save some money.  But I could call him!  He would have a cell phone!  I would come to loathe that phone.
The date was Monday, March 30; the time, 0700.  I get woken up by my phone ringing, only one person would be calling me at this hour!  I get to talk to Jon!  I have not talked to him for a few days, he must have been doing some weird Advanced Individualized Training thing.  I grab the phone practically wrenching it open in excitement.  My excitement turns to dread as I hear the words, “I don’t love you anymore” come out of his mouth with seemingly no emotion.  The next words out of my mouth startled me, “Shit Jon! What am I supposed to do now?  Do you want a divorce or something?”  What followed was a short conversation I cannot remember…then came the waterworks.  I tried to stifle my cries so I would not wake my parents sleeping the floor below me.  I throw the little bear in army getup I was given as a representation of my “beloved” at the wall.  Then, after I do not know how long, I go downstairs and tell my sister, Karlie, what had just happened.  Then I go and tell my parents. 
 Within the span of a few hours, my aunts and uncles knew…my mother had called…deep in the grief of her daughter’s suffering.  Daisies, my happy flower, and a new teddy are sent with a card saying “Life suck sometimes...Karma to you” from loving aunts.  Chocolate and Diet Coke brought from friends.  School…what school?  My life as I knew it was over.  I failed at my marriage.  I was a bad wife.  I did not give my husband what he needed.  I was not someone anyone wanted.  My self-esteem has reached the extreme low I had mentioned. 
Two days passed.  I ask with tears in my eyes, for a blessing.  My father, unable to give one because of his anger and frustration, calls our bishop.  Together they put their hands on my head, and bless me with many things.  Perspective that this is only a pinprick of a moment in my life; the power of discerning men’s hearts, now and in the years to come; and guardian angels, in people I know here on earth, and those I knew up in Heaven.  Comfort and peace wash over me.  I do not feel alone anymore…God is with me.  He loves me and His Son knows exactly what I am going through.  Tears were still in my eyes, but for a different reason.
Healing finally began.  I began to see the things my parents saw in me.  I threw myself into school, knowing I had to pass each class.  I began working out with a girl who became one of the angels my blessing spoke of.  We worked through our sorrow—her husband was in the two and a half months of basic training—by hitting the gym.  We hit the gym most often when I was mad, and boy did I get mad.  He says he did not cheat.  He says he was faithful.  He says that he was just going down a different path.  I ran and ran till my legs were jelly. He called changing his mind, wanting to talk, wanting me to delay sending the papers.  I ran.  He text telling me to go ahead and send the papers.  I ran.  He called again saying that he wanted to talk.  I ran.  He called saying he sent the papers in.  I ran.  I ran to prove him wrong.  I ran to show him that I am beautiful.  I ran to show him that I am a woman he would regret throwing away.  I ran to show myself that I could.  I ran to show myself that I want something more.  I ran to show myself that I am worth it.
For the fourth or fifth time I call the courthouse, inquiring as to the status of my papers.  The papers that kept a tie to Jon…the tie that I desperately wanted cut.  “Its final” she says. 
“What?”  I replied. 
“Its been final since July 15th.  The Judge signed the papers.”
I am free!  I had been free for a whole two weeks and did not even realize it!  I felt lighter than air.  It was almost like I was twitterpated.   I could move on.  I was not stuck in the middle.  I could date if I wanted to.  I could flirt and not feel guilty.  I could be my own person!  The world was at my feet.  I had a new beginning, a fresh start.
Almost one year from the day he called me, I fully see the strength I have been told I had.  I see the spirit that fought for months to survive when other little spirits went out.  I went through a divorce that was more of a roller-coaster than I let on…and came out of it with the self-esteem of a woman who has never known heart break.  Again, when other spirits went out from a similar situation, mine stayed strong.  I know what I want and I am not afraid to wait for it.  Who cares if “Mr. Right” takes years to find me, he will.
In September of 2010, my life changes dramatically again. My Mr. Right, Brandon, had found me, it took some help with an internet dating site to get us to know of each other’s existence. Funny how forty-five minutes separated the person that was to be my knight in shining armor, the beloved that I did not think I would find till much, much later.  Six months of commuting back and forth, countless hours spent laughing, learning and loving one another, and we got engaged.  Four months later we were sealed for time and all eternity on July 22, 2011 at 02:22 PM. 

The man who married us told us about the mother of pearl oyster, and how something that is priceless is made out of sacrifice. He likened our relationship, even our lives, to the mother of pearl oyster.  Each grain of sand, or trial we face, will cultivate and create something amazing and beautiful, a pearl of great price, in this case, love.  Love of yourself, love of your spouse, and love of anyone you are in the trial with.  Sacrifice and trials gone through with a person you love makes a pearl of great price.  
I am adding this extra tidbit now... Christ went through the atonement, suffered more than any of us can fathom, all to make each and every one of us a pearl of great price. No matter what our trial is, it is there to shape us into bigger and better people.  We may only feel the pain of sand rolling around making us hurt, but one day we can look back and see how beautiful we are because of that grain of sand. 

Happiness Depends on YOU

In my 27 years of life, it may seem that I do not know much about happiness.  I have been told by many that I am the happiest person they know...or at least the most optimistic. This may be because of a plethora of reasons.

I laugh easily.  I love to laugh.  It is something that Brandon makes me do often--even when it is the most inconvenient time, like after a surgery where they went through my bellybutton to remove a cyst in my ovary.  Laughter was NOT the best medicine then!  I laugh when I read books, watch movies, talk with friends...or at myself and my own jokes that I say in my head!  I think I am pretty funny.  But, I do not think laughing is why I am so happy. . . or why anyone is happy.

I am naturally optimistic.  I ALWAYS find at least one good thing about anyone and everyone.  It is a great attribute to have as a teacher and a person in general.  However, it bothers Brandon to no end because he is so inherently realistic that he has to see every option...and plans for the worst case scenario.  I always think it will work out and don't give any other thought to the matter. We balance each other out nicely that way.

Speaking of Brandon brings me to another reason I could be so happy. My marriage is such a blessing.  I am so happy because of it.  I love my husband, he loves me.  We are best friends.  Nothing is better than that, so far.  However, I have been married before and not happy.  Marriage is not what makes me happy.

Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) is what seems to make a lot of people happy.  I do not deny that my faith in Christ and the knowledge that I am a child of God makes me a very happy person.  I know who I am and I know I was put on this earth for a divine purpose.  I am happy because of it.

However, the thing that brings me the most happiness is none of the above listed things.  I am happy because I CHOOSE to be.  I went through a divorce when I was 21.  Even during the process I was happy.

 I loathe the feeling that unhappiness brings.  It reminds me of gross inversion weather we get in Utah Valley often.  I can function in the gross disgusting air...but it is not pleasant at all. Worse yet, I can't see my wonderful view I get from my house of Utah Lake.

Me being happy is not up to my marriage, faith, optimism, laughter, or anything else.  Me being happy is a choice-- A choice I make everyday because I know what it is like to feel unhappy and worthless.

The best thing that you can do to make yourself happy if you don't feel it at the moment, is to get something by you that makes you smile.  If it's a bouquet of Daisies GREAT!  Those are the best flowers ever!  If it is watching a chick flick--I recommend Price and Prejudice--awesomeness!  Putting on some great uplifting music helps as well.

 Whatever floats your boat!

Make yourself remember what it is that brings happiness in your life...and keep it there!  Notice all the little things in a smog free view of a lake....or a walk through the neighborhood...or creating something...the possibilities are endless and all up to YOU!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why I'm a Hermit

If any of you out there that are reading this--I highly doubt many people would--are Whovians, then you will have no question as to where I got my blog title from.  For those who are ignorant of the ways of Who... Here is the quote that became my muse:

The Doctor: And Utopia is...?
Professor Yana: Oh, every human knows of Utopia. Where have you been?
The Doctor: Bit of a Hermit.
Professor Yana: A-a hermit
[sounds doubtful]
Professor Yana: with, uh, friends?
The Doctor: Hermits United. We meet up every 10 years, swap stories about caves. It's good fun. For a Hermit.

Now, I assume those of you who read this post will know me, and know how anti-social my husband and I are...unless you are family.  This anti-social tendency is a type of self-imposed hermitism (yes, I think I just invented a new way to describe a hermit.  I am sure I will invent many words and definitions throughout this entire blog.). 

The biggest reason for this is that we are both introverts with White personalities (If you wish to know more, look here.  White personalities are the most peaceful and indecisive people ever!  Just ask our family and they will say never to ask us to decide anything...charts happen--which is another post altogether. The point of all this seemingly meaningless blather is that in order to be non-hermits we would have to decide to do something, which is terrifying!  

The second, more important of the reasons, is that Brandon and I love just being together...even now we are just sitting in the same room listening to songs from Doctor Who on Spotify not even speaking, perfectly content to just be.  Which is one reason why I love my husband (Post about that coming soon...I am sure).  We are perfectly content just staying at home with one another, reveling in our inside jokes, watching nerdy movies or TV shows on Netflix, or just doing what we are doing now...essentially nothing. 

So...there you have it!  I am a nerdy ADHD Hermit who loves everything to do with her husband; Doctor Who; writing and reading; knitting and crocheting; and tons of other randomly wonderful things.