Monday, August 1, 2016

Starting Over

In my last post, I confessed that I wasn't myself since having Rory. I just got back from seeing my lovely psychologist of the first time. It really helped! I said things and realized things that I didn't realize were bothering me because she knew the questions to ask. 

For anyone who isn't feeling themselves, go see someone, it isn't as bad as it may seem. If anything, you can talk to them and get some things off your mind, and feel all better! 

One thing I realized, with a strange clarity: I stopped doing things I love. Listening to music and writing being top two of those things. 

One other thing Dr. F(that's what I'll call her for security purposes) asked me was, "Do you consider yourself a novelist and a stay at home mom?" I never thought of that. I had always thought of myself as someone who enjoys writing and who is writing a book for the fun of it. Not as a novelist or a writer. This is what I am though, if I boil it down to the basics.

Yes, I've never finished a book, but I'll get there one day. It's a goal to complete a book. Even if no one else but family and friends read it, I'll be happy.'s to starting over, and seeing myself as something completely new and in a way that I never have before. I hope and pray this feeling lasts!

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