Monday, August 22, 2016

Embrace and Bloom

Starting off, I have made a goal to write everyday. If it is a blog, or in a journal, or on my book. I need to write daily. I feel like it will help me a lot. I've started in a writing community,, I really hope that it will give me purpose and need to finish my book--a goal I've had for years. 

On to the purpose of my post: 

I got a Mary Engelbreit Calendar from my very own Fairy godmother, Fairy! I was WAY behind and got a few quotes that really hit home to me, given my current situation. The first, is just a simple one, that really just is something I need to say to myself everyday. 

The Second Quote:

This is something I really need to work on. Being a new mom is a season of life like no other. There is no transition period. It is like going from Winter straight into the hottest part of summer. So amazing to be out of the snow, but massively different than before. The word "embrace" really struck me as well, because and embrace is welcoming and loving. Loving the season of life you are in, whatever it may be, is so important.

The last quote was on Rory's Birthday!!!

I absolutely love this quote for many reasons. One is gospel related, and I don't feel like I want to go into that at the moment. The second reason is that I am somewhere so far away from family, in a desert. The wild flowers here are amazing. Our first summer here, before we had Rory, there was a super-bloom. I found is so inspiring that such beauty can come from such adverse circumstances.

As a flower, you don't have a choice where you are planted. It is your job to grow and bloom, embracing whatever situation you find yourself in. It is time for me to do the same and get to seeing the positive in my life all the time, not just daily.

I hope these quotes really resonate with someone, like they did to me.

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