Monday, August 29, 2016

My Living room: A writing prompt.

The front living room in my new home is cluttered with...everything, it seems. Life around a one year old leaves this room seeming tired. As tired as I feel, running behind him. Telling him not to eat the food I forgot to pick up off the floor last night. A grin plastered on his face for finding something awesome.

This room, makes me feel tired, but it also brings a smile to my face. Remembering the little things my son as done, the way he is learning something new each day. The books strewn about the room shows me he loves reading, just like I do. The blocks, he loves building like his dad. The broom...oh that broom! If he could bring that thing with him everywhere, he would be so happy.

My heart swells with a love I didn't even know was possible a year ago, just thinking of my son as he is napping. It also constricts, thinking, why am I waisting this time I could be cleaning this room. As quick as a wink, my heart constricts, it fights back, though, swelling again, imagination and creativity winding it's way back into my life. Back into my soul.

I look around this cluttered messy room and realized that for the first time, in a long time, I am  happy with where I am at even though I still have lots to do.

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