Monday, June 15, 2015

The Blogger Has Returned....Thanks to Her Mom.

It has been pointed out to me, by my amazing mom, that I have not written a blog post in quite a long time.  I do not know what prompted me to stop writing, but I figure now is as good a time to start up again as any.

I wondered at what I should write about, because so much has happened in my life since my last post. Most notably: I am going to be a mom in 21 days(according to the due date)! I hope this blog doesn't turn into an all about my kids blog, because I hope to keep my writing skills up, writing about more than just my awesome offspring.

I realized when my mom said I haven't blogged, that I haven't written anything but a little blip in a journal for my son and a grocery list in a long time...and that my time is going to get eaten up by a cute little time gobbler that I call son. This realization came with another one right after: I don't want to lose my writing skills. I want to create, I want to use my knowledge of the English language to do something.

Now, the question is what do I use this blog for? Is it some form of a digital journal for the world to read? Is this blog all about the random musings of my mind, as it has been since the start? Or do I want my blog to be something more?

Now, I know not many who really read this will care, and I am sure in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. But, it does give me something to do with my time. I know that in the next 21 days, or more or less, my life will drastically change.  I cannot wait for this change, I am so ready to meet my son and get to know his little personality.  I also know that if I do not do something for myself, and to keep myself grounded in who I am as a person, I will lose myself to my new role.  I will just be Kelsey Mother Extraordinaire...and not Kelsey Super Sister, Kelsey Wife of Wonders, Kelsey Doting Daughter, Kelsey Fanatic Friend, Kelsey Wondermous Writer, or just Kelsey.  I hope that writing this blog will be a way for me to remember all of my roles and keep them in balance and keep myself from going all sorts of crazy.

Writing has always been my outlet. It is good for me to remember that.

Thanks Mom, for helping me remember that, and being my own Mother Extraordinaire, because no one knows me like you do!!

1 comment:

  1. ok now I am bummed. I typed what I thought was a witty comment and went to post it and it vanished. I only have so much wit at 11:53 pm Tuesdays. I will try again tomorrow to see if I can match todays comment.
