Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Don't Take a Globule When Just a Lick'll Do.

It's 10:30 P.M.

My husband has the hiccups.

My husband NEVER gets the hiccups.  He is a little sick of hiccups in general, seeing as I have had them as a constant companion since finding out I was pregnant. (Not the full-blown never ending painful hiccups, but the I am going to come out loud at annoying times in groups of two or three hiccups). However, he NEVER gets them. I could tell they were getting to be at the annoying stage where they could get worse and never end.

"Quick! eat a spoonful of peanut butter!" I say, when drinking water does not help him.  Peanut butter is something that has helped me when all other remedies have failed.  The look that passes his face is one that I wish I had captured in a picture so I could look at it whenever I needed a pick-me-up.  It was a look that said, "Peanut Butter!? Are you CRAZY woman!? That only goes on a PB & J and in cookies, you don't eat a spoonful!!"

To his credit, he goes to the pantry and brings our wonderful peanut butter jar into our bedroom, looking skeptical, holding the spoon like a light saber, he sits down on the bed.

Contemplating if I put poison the the nutty goodness, he takes out a good sized portion. He doesn't want to sleep with peanut butter breath, so cautiously he takes a lick. A lick similar to one I have seen on children trying a new food, such a minute amount of peanut butter was on his tongue, I thought for sure he would need to just bite the bullet and shove the whole globule down his throat.

The hiccups stopped! I was in awe. Such was the state of my awe that I began to laugh and be in pain at the same time. The pain was just because my belly is so stinking huge that any jostling for a long period, like a bout of good laughing, makes breathing difficult. My husband, knowing that my laughing is causing pain says, "Here, I'll just read the label." Did that help!? No, this is what the label said: "No Preservatives, artificial flavors, or Colors*" Then he reads the asterisk with a note of disbelief and humor in his voice: "*Similar to all peanut butter." This just made us laugh even more.

Knowing I could not possibly stop laughing till he is out of the room because I know how silly I look being 9 months pregnant with a large belly in full laughing mode, he mercifully left me alone to calm down.

He comes in once I am quiet, and I look up at him and say, "The moral of this story is: Don't take a globule when just a lick'll do." We both start laughing again, knowing that this will be a life long motto in our new family.

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