Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why Write?

I Just finished watching Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story on Amazon Prime. I love her story so much! The thing I love most is not that she went from being on welfare to one of the richest women in Great Britain in three What I loved most is her love of writing. So many times in the movie, and I expect in real life, JK Rowling said she just wanted to be a writer.
Watching this film has truly inspired me to continue to do that which I love...WRITE! I love the characters in my book, and I love the world that is shaping itself inside my imagination. 

SO....Why Write? 
  • To keep myself sane! 
  • To keep my imagination alive. 
  • To tell my husband I love him.
  • To give life to the characters I see in my head. 
  • To tell my future children my ideas and what I believe in. 
  • To have fun!
  • To bring happiness to others.

As JK Rowling wrote: 

"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible form of magic." 

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