Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Perpetual Re-reading

Many people that I know cannot stand reading a book twice. They know the ending...why read it again when all the suspense is gone? I'll tell you why....

  • First, and foremost, I read books again because I plow through them so fast, I miss so much the first time. I am the type of reader that, for the most part, I get fully and completely sucked into a book. There is nothing I can think of doing until I finish that book. My family(especially my younger brother) had to resort to waving their hands over the book pages to get my attention most days. I felt like Belle walking through school and wherever I was with my nose in a book. 

Let me tell you...there are few feelings that can trump being lost in the pages of a new book.

  • Pocket Princesses tells us....I want more Hogwarts!!! 

There are a few books that I want more of...but I can't have more because the authors are finished with them...and the movies are completed--or nearly completed. What is the solution to getting more of the awesomeness of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games, and many others??? Read them! Read them again, again, and again!

  • Then there is the small fact that there are those books that I MUST read.  There are books that I am hopelessly addicted to. For my fix, I need to revisit those lands and re-meet those characters. sum up...I will forever and always be a re-reader and I think everyone should be too.

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