Monday, May 19, 2014

FOR THE LOVE...of reading...

I learned to love reading by first being read to by my wonderful mom. She would read to us everyday. Once I read Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine, I was hooked to all books. I mention my mom because she just suggested a book to me: 

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.  

I have not gotten very far into to the book, but I am in awe of how well it describes readers, and what books can do to people. One quote I fell in love with while listening (I am listening to the book, but want to own it one day), I was lucky enough to find online in a picture. 
This quote is something that I completely agree with. 

I can walk into a bookstore, and smell that wonderful smell of coffee and paper, and know that I am home.  I know that somewhere amid those shelves, there is a book that is waiting for me to grab and read the back cover. There is a book full of characters that are calling out my name and urging me to get to know them. 

There are millions of books! MILLIONS.  Everyone has a book that is perfect for them.  Each member of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society has a different book or set of books they love.  One character loves cookbooks, another the Bronte sisters' books, another loves one single book and that is all he will read.

Every person has their own book. I do not care what kind of book it is, but there is something that someone would love reading. I think this is one reason I wanted to teach English.  I wanted to help kids find their book, whatever it may be. 

I also believe that books are a way for us, as humans, to feel something of a connection with characters and authors.  I feel like I know many authors by the characters they write, and what they write about. As an amateur writer, I can tell you that I write what I know. I write what I feel, and base many scenes in the book on moments that happen in my life. Reading about characters that are similar, or even very different from, myself helped shape who I am as a person. 

I will always want the courage to face my fears and stand up for my beliefs just like Neville Longbottom  did. 

I want to keep those I love safe just like Katniss Everdeen. 

I want to do what I know is right, even though it is difficult, like Frodo Baggins. 

I want to love books, like Hermione Granger.

I want to be witty like Elizabeth Bennett. 

I want to be a lot of things, just because I look up to these characters in the books that I love. 

Most of all, I want to instill a love of reading into my children. I want to cultivate their imagination and show them the wonder of worlds on the printed page.